WW1 U.S. Army IQ test — alpha test
This is the alpha test from WW1 for army recruits. 1,7m people took it. It took 40 to 50 minutes to take. The men sat in groups of 100 to 200. It was only used during WW1.
Images I use
The version I found is Form 7 out of 9 different forms of the test. I’ll post the test itself and the guide for each page. The alpha test is with English language. If recruits failed it, by getting a score under 15, they would take the beta version with figures and shapes. If recruits also failed the beta test they would be given tests to conclusively make sure they really were weak-minded.
The Form 7 images are taken from this site. They are the brown pages in this blog-post:
Various books look into the test and explain it. The explanation pages I copied are from this book by the creator of the test, Yoakum & Yerkes, 1920. They are the white pages in this blog-post. There is more to the instructions but I’ll only post the most important instructions in this blog-post:
Yoakum, C. S., & Yerkes, R. M. (Eds.). (1920). Army mental tests. Henry Holt and Company. https://doi.org/10.1037/11054-000
Extra info
You can read even more info about the test and how to conduct it here. This free book also has images of the test. The author looks into the test results and mainly focuses on ethnic groups and how they will influence the national IQ long-term:
Brigham, C. C. (1922). A study of American intelligence. Princeton: Princeton University Press; London: Oxford University Press, c1922, tp 1923..
For a short intro read the Wikipedia page:
Beneath is a table from the Wikipedia page. They use the same source I use, Yoakum & Yerkes 1920:
I’ll post more old IQ tests if a group of serious people asks me to. We’ll see. Otherwise I suggest you find them yourself. They are freely found online.
The test
Examination alpha consists of eight tests, describable by title as follows:
test 1, directions or commands test
test 2, arithmetical problems
test 3, practical judgment
test 4, synonym-antonym
test 5, disarranged sentences
test 6, number series completion
test 7, analogies
test 8, general information.
Guide for test examiner
Test 1 — directions or commands test
The info the recruits filled out has been used to compare the IQ of various ethnic groups and other groups. This is page 1(ergo Test 1) of 8 pages.
Test 2 — arithmetical problems
Here the instructions and examples are the same for all forms of the test.